Sunday 20 April 2008

Having Fun at the "Great Court"

Saturday, 19th April 2008

This Morning, daddy brought us to the "Great Court" after breakfast to meet Mummy during her break time between lecture..Yea this week its Mummy last weekend lecture as it was only schedule for 3 weeks since early April. There, Safiya and I ran around the Great Court and we were really having so much fun. Just look at the picture below.

At the entrance of the "Great Court"

Safiya and I posing on the bench

Safiya chasing me while Mummy was having her cappuccino

Wharrr...I'm a scary monster!!!

Look at Safiya trying to run around the spacious Great Court. She looks so happyyy...

Mummy's break time is over and its time for us to sent her back to her lecture room

After meeting with Mummy, Daddy brought us all the way from UQ to the local shop at Hawken drive to buy some groceries. Safiya must have been very exhausted after running around the Great Court that she dozed off in the pram. Just look at her sleeping very soundly.

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