Sunday 6 April 2008

Dull weather...

5th April 2008

Oh well, we stayed home today most of the day... Currently Brisbane is experiencing showers and the wind always gets cold. It's autumn anyway and no matter what they say about Brisbane being 'a sunshine state', it does get cold... especially when it rains!

Just take a look at these pictures... I see rain clouds approaching...

So, what did we do today? Among other things, I spent a whole lot of time watching DVD! By the way, thanks daddy for buying me that portable DVD player, sure comes in handy when I'm bored at home (when I'm not playing computer games, that is!)

Me and my trusty DVD player. Hmm, notice the 'holes' in my cheeks?

Safiya helped herself with some sugar cane drink. It's Asian, but nini laki bought it here in Brisbane at the local Chinese store. Hey sis, gimme some...

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