Thursday 13 November 2008

Get well soon

13 November 2008

It's been a while since we updated the blog.. We received sad news yesterday from Brunei; our great grandfather (nini bini's father) has been hospitalised due to a lung infection - in ward 21 of RIPAS hospital. According to his birth record, datu (that's what we call him) was born in 1918, but nini bini remembers that datu is in fact older than what's recorded on paper.

Anyway, due to the sad news, nini laki and nini bini flew home this morning, leaving Safiya and I behind with lovely mummy. We wish we could go home as well, but mummy is still waiting for her university results to make sure that nothing stands in the way of her graduation in December.

Some good news though, daddy has moved up his plan on coming to Brisbane, and instead of early December, daddy will be arriving here on the 29th which also happens to be mummy's birthday (16 more days to go!).

For now, let's all pray that datu (Haji Mohd Daud bin Mahmud) gets well soon... Amin!

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