22 June 2008

Durian? It's delicious! I know, in some parts of the world it's a horrible thing to eat. Mummy says that once she even saw the 'Fear Factor' show and eating Durian was one challenge that has to be faced by the competitors. I admit, the smell is quite strong, but in our community, this fruit is a real delicacy. I bet I'll win that Fear Factor challenge!
The one that nini bini bought today is Monthong, imported from Thailand. The flesh is large and tastes great. In Malaysia, the local durians look the same, i.e. off-white coloured flesh, but in Brunei, our durian are multi-coloured. Some have bright yellow flesh, orange and even maroon in colour. Of course, the taste differ and that makes eating durian even more fun. For those out there who cannot stand the smell, we also have the option of a species known as 'Durian Polo' which tastes sweet without the smell and is not sticky or messy as is the other types of durian on the market. Sadly, the Brunei local durian is not yet in season now. Nevertheless, nini bini always has back up, she likes to freeze the fruit in containers (without the hard skin) and we can have supply of the multi-coloured durian all year long.
Okay, enough about durian ... enjoy watching me enjoying a feast in these pictures!