Monday 20 October 2008

Ohh... it's still Hari Raya!

20 October 2008 (Part II)

For any of you unaware of this, Muslims celebrate Hari Raya during the month of Syawal, and this spans for a whole month. Yes, you read it right, it's a whole month! So... this is really good news for us, because it gives ample time to visit relatives and friends. However, living abroad sometimes make us forget this, since the visits end fast... and not much relatives and friends around anyway, unlike back home!

Last Saturday night, nini Belait (daddy's dad) hosted an open house. Wawa Nani was the chief cook, and created a delicious buffet menu: Ayam Merah Mentega Kacang (peanut butter chicken), Daging Rendang Hitam Manis, Sayur Labu & Cangkuk Manis and one of our favourites, Soto Brunei. Hehehe... It's mouth-watering!

And of course, when it comes to nini Belait, karaoke is a must as an entertainment for the guests. No need to worry, lots of singers available... hehehe...

Here are some pictures that daddy sent us. Enjoy!

The buffet table

Ngangah having a go with the karaoke

My cousin, baby Nazrah looks beautiful in her gown

Two cousins together.. Baby Lizam (5 months) and Baby Nazrah (2 months).
See also their cute and funny chit-chat pictures... click [here].

Hmmm... someone really enjoys the company of a new baby... Is that a sign, daddy? Hahaha...

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