Thursday 1 July 2010

Souvenir from South Africa

1st July 2010

When daddy arrived home from work today, he brought a souvenir, courtesy of his friend who went to South Africa to witness the World Cup up close. Lucky him! It's quite a unique souvenir ~ got us puzzled there for a second trying to figure out what it is. Hehehe...

It's a type of headgear under the name of UMU, short for "Unite Mzansi Unite". Curious to know more, mummy searched through the internet and found this [information] about UMU:

Unite Mzansi Unite (UMU) is a campaign created by adidas to celebrate the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The project aims to inspire all South Africans to unite in celebration behind the 2010 FIFA World Cup™

For this campaign, adidas has created a giant yellow jersey a replica of the official Bafana-Bafana jersey. It is truly giant measuring 60m x 48m. The jersey has just started its amazing 7 month journey through the entire South Africa. It is a platform for all South Africans to unite and show their support by signing their name on the jersey. A custom made truck is transporting this giant yellow jersey through all 9 provinces of the country. This campaign wants to unify South Africa by giving as many South Africans possible the opportunity to make their mark, show their support and celebrate the 2010 FIFA World Cup as one.

Its time for South Africa to come together, to show our support and passion.
Its about showing the world who we are.
The passion of our people.
The warmth of our culture.
The spirit of our nation.

Unite Mzansi Unite!

Here's what we're talking about...

I became the model as my parents try on me different ways of wearing the UMU. Hehehe... I looked funny but somewhat interesting.

About a week more to go before the fever ends. Wonder who will win the World Cup this year?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's really heartwarming that the organization overseeing the most popular sport in the world gave Africa a chance to shine by letting South Africa host the World Cup. It indeed united the whole continent as they celebrated this momentous event.

And of course, that souvenir you got is one treasure to keep. I'm quite sure that Africa grabbed the chance to showcase their art, souvenirs and a lot more!

Belle Styler