Saturday 24 July 2010

Growing even more

24th July 2010

It has been 15 days since our last day of school and we are really enjoying our "summer holiday" which will last until end of next month. So far, we didn't do much and we only stay at home since both our parents are working. But that doesn't mean that we are not having fun. We cherish the moments that we spend with our cute and cuddly baby brother who, as we can see, is growing fast!

At a little over 4 months old, he is now more talkative and can almost turn his body to lay tummy down. When he is in an almost sitting position, he lifts his head and body up as if he wants to sit straight. His hands coordination is getting better too - he can now reach out and grab things close to him, and usually it goes straight into his mouth! Hehehe...

With regard to body size, he has grown more. In fact, he has almost outgrown his baby rocker and now has to sleep on the bed to avoid any mishap. If you look at the picture below, you can see how cute he looks when he's asleep. So precious!

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