Sunday, 7 November 2010

Safwan visits Istana Nurul Iman

7th November 2010

Wow! Double luck!

As many Bruneians must already know by now, close to 7000 babies were chosen by Her Majesty to receive special gifts or kurnia just for being born between 7th October 2009 to 7th October 2010. We are very grateful that our baby brother is one of the lucky recipients.

Another good news is that Safwan was invited to the Sultan's palace this morning, together with our parents, to receive the kurnia. He is really lucky, it's not everyday that one gets to visit Istana Nurul Iman (let alone be invited) but Safwan does this at only 7 months old. Even Safiya and I have never stepped foot on the palace grounds, seriously! Hehehe...

Since coaches waited before 7 a.m. at several designated places, Safwan was already up at 5.30. He had an early breakfast, took a bath and wore his baju melayu. Parents were given the option of not bringing their babies but our parents decided that Safwan will not create a hassle being a good and happy baby himself.

According to mummy, despite the thousands of people flooding the palace, Safwan maintains his happy attitude. Even when lots of babies around him were screaming and crying, he is still as cool as can be. Thankfully! Hehehe...

The treatment at the palace was first class, said mummy. They were served with heaps of food for breakfast, and nappy change and breastfeeding areas were available (complete with free nappies and wipes). Hot and cold water is available all around the palace as well.

We would like to express our heartfelt menjunjung kasih to Her Majesty Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha for the kindness that Her Majesty has shown to all lucky recipients today.
"Semoga Allah melanjutkan usia Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik"

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