3rd December 2011
As promised to Safiya, we finally organised her birthday party today. Mummy has fully gained her strength and our baby sister is also big enough to receive lots of visitors at the same time. Like last year, Safiya's party is held separately for her school friends and family members.

The afternoon session is for her school friends and we were all happy that everyone had a great time. The castle and pool bouncers prove to be a big hit and we were lucky that the weather was fine.

We also had a "fishing" game for different treats and presents.

For the afternoon session, we had crunchy chicken in pita breads, spaghetti with meatballs, fruits and milo tiramisu for dessert. Safiya's birthday cake was in the form of vanilla cupcakes with fresh cream icing created by our one and only mummy!

In the evening, we had Safiya's second birthday party especially for family members. We also had doa selamat for the arrival of our baby sister. Since it's dinner time, we had heavier meals. We had rice with grilled chicken, udang rebus (fresh prawn soup) and sayur rebung. Mummy made lots of the spaghetti from the afternoon and so we served it as well.
We had two birthday cakes, one for Safiya and another for mummy's brother, bungsu Hazim, who's turning 18 in two days time.

To our surprise, Ngangah presented another "cake" for daddy, mummy, Safiya and baby Syifa ~ a lamb shawarma in a gigantic burger bun.

Oh my! Safiya was the happiest at the end of the day because she received lots of birthday gifts this year. Just look at the picture below!